It’s a misconception that you can’t love and embrace your current body while recognizing that you want to make changes to your weight, shape, and physique.
Sometimes, the best way to love yourself is to make changes to your lifestyle and habits that help your body work better and more efficiently. Many people feel better and have more energy when they’re at a healthy weight.
If your weight is too high for you to comfortably live an active lifestyle, it’s acceptable to lose weight while you praise your body for what it can do. Even if you want to lower your weight, your body still completes a lot of tasks that enable you to live and enjoy life.
Or, if you have a condition that isn’t easily changed, like lipedema or a chronic disease, you can focus on loving and appreciating your body for what it can do rather than fixating on supposed shortcomings.
Perhaps your body’s condition makes it difficult to comfortably walk long distances, but you can still praise and thank your body for allowing you to complete activities that enable you to retain your independence.
We’re glad that you’ve started your journey of body positivity and excited to welcome you to the Curvygirlbeth community.